A consolidated and indexed compilation of the UK CTR.
This “Brookwood indexed” reproduction of the original Statutory Instrument 2004 No. 1031 also incorporates, into a single consolidated text, the little-known changes brought about by the later Statutory Instruments 2005 No. 2754, 2005 No. 2759, 2006 No. 1928, 2006
No. 2984, 2007 No. 289, 2008 No. 941, 2009 No. 1164 and 2010 No. 1882. The book’s unique subject index helps the reader find the appropriate sections more easily.
e-book UK Clinical Trial Regulations, Indexed and Consolidated (4th Edition)
- Product Code: e-book UK Clinical Trial Regulations (4th Edition)
- Availability: In Stock