Answer five inspectors’ GCP questions correctly to avoid a finding.
• A fun way to learn and refresh GCP for all sponsor personnel needing GCP training.
• Participants ‘meet’ five different GCP inspectors who each ask 10 questions on different topics.
• Answer 8/10 questions correctly in order to progress to the next inspector meeting.
• Once all inspectors have been visited, and enough questions answered correctly, the participant will be awarded certification.
• In addition to the Q&As there are a number of ‘Did You Know?’ interactions to supplement knowledge.
• Valuable e-books provided, including a Guide to Informed Consent, the ICH GCP E6(R2) guidelines and Essential GCP.
Click here to see our Introductory video
GCP Refresher for Sponsors 2 - inspection challenge: NN
- Product Code: Novo Nordisk: GCP Refresher for Sponsors - inspection challenge
- Availability: In Stock
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