This Good Distribution Practice course targets new hires as well as current employees needing ongoing or refresher GDP training. It explains why GDP exists, what it entails, and its key requirements.
The course is approved by the Royal
Society of Chemistry (RSC).
The course consists of the following chapters:
Chapter 1:
An introduction to the pharmaceutical industry
This chapter provides an overview of the pharmaceutical industry
and the need to regulate medicine manufacture and supply.
Chapter 2: An introduction to Good Distribution Practice
This chapter introduces the concept of Wholesale Dealer
Authorisations and the need for Good Distribution Practice.
Chapter 3: The Good Distribution guidelines
The main contents and requirements of the 10 chapters of GDP are explained and
why these are important.
Chapter 4: Working to GDP
The key
elements of GDP are covered, with a special focus on what GDP means for the
individual working for an organisation involved in the storage, transport
and/or brokering of medical products.
chapters are available either as a UK or non-UK version. The UK version has references to the
UK’s Regulatory Authority (the MHRA) and their “Green Guide”, whereas the
non-UK version does not.
chapter has a series of randomly selected assessment quiz questions at the end
of each one. An 80% pass mark is expected. Guidance is provided if
a delegate gets an answer wrong. After successful completion of the
course, a certificate including the RSC Approved Training logo is available for
download by the delegate.
We can provide a range of online GDP training modules for compliance and induction programmes.
Good Distribution Practice
- Product Code: Good Distribution Practice
- Availability: In Stock